Every year, on average, people gain two pounds over the Holidays. This may not seem like much but, on average, people don’t lose those pounds throughout the year. Over time that adds up! This year we are determined to not let the winter weight gain win! While it is only natural to want to snuggle up in a blanket and warmly wait it out, we have some tips for you to beat that winter weight gain and make a healthier you–all year long.
Schedule Your Workouts
Making a workout schedule and keeping to it will definitely help burn those excess calories. Actually put it on your calendar! Putting your health and fitness back on the top of the list will help ensure that it actually gets addressed. Now is a great time to try a new gym, bootcamp, or join a new fitness group. The new year brings everyone out to turn over a new leaf so take advantage of the specials!
Cook From Scratch
The simplest way to control your food intake is to cook and eat at home. Cooking from scratch guarantees more whole food ingredients will be used and portions will be measured. Pack leftovers for the next day’s lunch and get twice the benefit!
Seek Treatment for SAD
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a condition where those affected become depressed during the dark winter months. If this condition is something you deal with, seek treatment! Managing depression will help to curb the self-comforting food cravings and keep you ahead of the winter weight gain.
Get Good Sleep
Skimping on sleep can contribute to winter weight gain, possibly by altering hunger hormones. It may be that missing even an hour or two of sleep may make you more likely to give in to junk food the next day. Why? The prefrontal cortex—part of the brain responsible for self-control—is compromised by sleep loss.
We hope this helps you in your own quest to win the winter weight battle. Remember, we are all in this together! If you ever have questions or if you have your own tips to share, don’t hesitate to call us!