A leopard’s spots help him hide from predators, keeping him safe from the hidden killers of the Serengeti. Makes sense, doesn’t it? So… what service do your spots serve? They have crept onto your face over the years, in plain view and under the light of the sun. But if they aren’t for camouflage, what are they anyway? They are age spots, sun spots, or liver spots. Perhaps they have diminished your confidence enough to make you hide from friends and family or even your own reflection. Well, we think you deserve to come out of hiding once and for all, and we have the technology to help you do so…
Want to know how to reduce age spots? Here’s how: Laser technology has changed the world of skin care and can change your age-spotted world too. We at Dr. Jensen’s office offer the latest and greatest in laser age spot removal. Our laser technology is gentle, effective and can get you results after the first treatment. Targeted light gets absorbed by the darkened pigment then sloughs off through natural processes and voila! The spots face and sometimes disappear. We can reduce spots from your face, arms, legs, chest and back. After a few treatments, those spots will start to be things of the past!
It’s time to come out of hiding and let yourself be seen! You don’t need spots for camouflage so diminish of those blemishes or stop them in their tracks! While you are at it, you can release those wrinkles too! With this month’s special, you can do it all. Get a FREE facial rejuvenation treatment with the purchase of $300 or more on Botox® and/or dermal fillers. Not only can you reduce the spots but you can smooth those wrinkles away too. Call now to set up your complimentary consultation today!