At our practice in Layton, Dr. Jensen constantly seeks to stay at the forefront of technology and best practices in the aesthetic world. Along that line is the inclusion of our PicoSure laser.
We use it as part of our laser skin rejuvenation offerings at Dr. Jensen’s.
What is the PicoSure laser?
The PicoSure laser is a short-pulse laser. It delivers incredibly quick, short bursts, just trillionths of a second. By delivering such quick, short flashes of energy, this minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect in the skin. This improves pigment problems and improves various types of scars and skin blemishes. Less heat means less tissue damage and discomfort for the patient.
How is the PicoSure laser used?
The PicoSure laser has two processes that we utilize. For pigmentation issues, such as birthmarks and sun spots, the PicoSure laser delivers its energy so rapidly that the tiny particles that make up the darker pigmentation vibrate and break down. It rapidly heats the pigment but doesn’t deliver heat for a long enough period to damage the adjacent skin. The body then sheds this pigmented skin cells.
For skin revitalization, the PicoSure laser technology triggers the body’s natural healing processes to restore areas of acne scarring, fine wrinkles, and stretch marks. The laser uses what is known as proprietary “Focus lens” technology. This technology converts the laser energy into gentle pressure waves. These pressure waves activate cell signaling, which is the body’s natural communication to begin the production of new skin cells, collagen, and elastin, all with the intent of healing the skin. Cell signaling initiates an enhanced inflammatory healing response that leads to skin revitalization.
What is it used for?
We use the PicoSure laser for improving the appearance of acne scarring, stretch marks, other scars, and birthmarks. It is also incredibly effect for removing tattoos, which you can read about on this separate page.
How long before I will see my results after a PicoSure treatment?
The healing process begins immediately, but you won’t see your results until the skin begins producing new skin cells, collagen, and elastin. Pigmentation spots will first darken and then begin to peel away. For acne scarring and skin revitalization, you will begin to see a difference in two to three weeks. These results will continue to build for up to four months.
Interested in facial skin rejuvenation with our PicoSure laser? Call us at (385) 424-4567 to schedule an appointment.