Halloween causes us to think about the costumes we wear, not just for the holiday, but in everyday life. Whatever we do, we do it in order to put our best foot and face forward. From what we wear to the way we do our hair, we are projecting an image – the one that we allow others to see. The tricky part is reflecting what’s inside on the outside – our true selves, hearts and souls. Revealing our hearts can be scary! So, maybe we can start small by removing the mask. That’s right, I am talking about going out… without makeup! Here are 5 reasons to try this today!
- More free time: You can now add those makeup minutes to your leisure time. You’re welcome.
- Embrace your face: It may have been awhile since you actually saw your own skin. Chances are that if you take the time to look objectively in that mirror, you may be surprised at how much you love what you see!
- Boosted confidence: We come to rely on makeup to make us feel beautiful. Going without will likely demonstrate how loved you really are, with or without!
- Greater inner peace: Taking a break from makeup can help you make peace with not only with your face but with your body and soul!
- Your skin will thank you: The ingredients and chemicals in makeup can actually be doing more harm than good. Taking a break could clear up those break outs!
Be brave and take off your mask, if only for one day. You might just be surprised at how great you feel! Want help? Dr. Jensen’s aesthetic team can help perfect your skin and make it glow. With our facial rejuvenation services, you will look so great you may never want to cover up again!